Sunday 9 December 2012

Don't ask...just do!

So it's like 3am and I'm up. Been asleep since like 7 or so pm. Sometimes my own thinking wears me out.
But yeh, just a quickie because by the end of this day I will have begun the next phase in regaining my health.

I've thankfully lost weight gone down a dress size but now it's time to work on looking good naked lol

Been eyeing or 'mirin' as they like to call it, pages on Facebook about gym and stuff and I'm now inspired to get back on it.

I need to tone up so the plan is to still do my wii Zumba in the mornings pre work but to then spend like 1hr at the gym doing some resistance work 3 times a week after work (wooooiii me a go dead!)

I'm happy to have done things this way round cos now I know how to eat better, picked up some good fooding principles that are now more or less habit, I've seen results and so I am now motivated to go to the next level.

4 weeks from December 10th I should start to see something so of course I'll record my results via blog.

This is like the longest I've maintained anything 'diet' wise and you know what, it feels good. I started slow and from the attitude of adopting health principles, although I didn't see drastic changes straight away, eventually I did see results, though slower than most, I think for me it's better this way. It's more likely to stay off. I'm more likely to keep at it :)

So here's to chapter two!!

In God I trust!

Friday 7 December 2012

The jeans, the skinny and I

So this week I was pleased to finally...FINALLY say goodbye to size 16.


Been wearing that size for such a long time and I just accepted it really lol but now they are TOO BIG!!

I said my ideal size for me especially to remain nice healthy and curvy would be a 12 top and a 14 bottom and I have reached it so now I have decided that I will just tone up to keep the flab in check and remain this size :)

So I might not be model sized but I think for a woman you shouldn't be the same size as a primary school kid purposely. If ur naturally slim and petite then fine but I don't understand the desire to aim for skin on bone.

I personally believe my husband will appreciate a lil summin summin to cuddle up to on cold winters nights like these but hey each to their own, I'm

Me look good!! (In clothes- thank God fi clothes lol)

I'm working on looking good naked...y'all just won't know about it lol hahaha

Anywho, that's it for now. Here's to health New found confidence and size 14 skinny jeans 😁

Wednesday 21 November 2012


I was suppose to write a blog celebrating a new milestone in my weight loss....didn't happen!
But as I have now reached another one (woo) I have to share my joy!

Looking back at where I begun and where I am now, the process to some is probably slow, but I ain't in no rush! I'm working on my wifey body and I ain't getting married next week so a steady weight loss is good for me.

And I haven't starved my self or spent money on gym memberships or special dietary foods. All I've done is upped my exercise (from non existent to 2-4 times a week) and followed some basic health principles (as stated in previous blogs) and well my body has started to get rid of weight I don't need.

The going veggie thing was just another health principle...I did not start all this solely to lose weight, but I want and need to be healthy. If I really am to treat this body as the temple for the Holy spirit, I can't expect Him to live in clutter now can I.

And If I am to be sharing the gospel with others, I'm no good to anybody here's to health!

I just know that weight loss is a lovely bonus. And I feel good and I'm starting to see it too.

My tummy has gone down enhancing them natural curves. I feel more confident and comfortable in my clothes and a pair of jeans I bought in the summer (that I could not do up) has finally buttoned. All those weird health issues I use to have have lessened and I'm definitely not constantly tired any more. So as I said's to health!!

We doing all right still!!

Will one day post a pic of my before and after once I get a good one but for those who like graphs and stuff...this ones for you :)

Friday 12 October 2012

My vegetarian journey


Nearly two weeks in and I have no regrets!

Because my mind was moving in this direction anyway (needed to get my health in order especially after the woman call me obese) I'm really glad that I made this decision

The funny thing is, I now have a greater appreciation for fruit and veg so I guess I'm being a proper vegetarian and now over doing it with the meatless variety. For example,

My shopping trolley is more colourful with fruits and come on now....I bought leeks! I've never done anything with that other size spring onion before but I had some lentils and spinach and whipped up my first home-made soup. It was fun delicious and nutritious!!

But yeah really enjoying this change in attitude towards what i put in. So just to recap:

No meat (including fish as that's just Flesh that swims)
No cheese (cos that shouldn't be eaten anyway)
Came off using cows milk ages ago and now cutting down on the soya and trying out nut milks
No chocolate (was a tough decision)
No caffeine (well that was a given anyway being SDA and all)
No late night eating
No snacking (crisps biscuits etc. ) between meals
More fruits and veg
More water
Substantial breakfast - skipping this meal just means hell later
3 meals a day
Not eating to close to bed time

And even gone as far as not mixing fruits and veg in the same meal.

Now y'all probably thinking I ain't living at all but trust me I feel amazing and guess I started looking amazing too because I'm getting asked what's my secret.

So even with just 30mins exercise 3-4 times a week I am downsizing and I believe its because I have changed my eating habits.

I am not on a 'diet' I am just following simple health principles that makes a world of a difference. It's about change of mindset habits and lifestyle in order to keep it going because believe me I've tried sorting out my weight for years and thought seeing results was slow because well I started really getting serious about 3 months ago, I am definitely seeing results and I believe as this is not a 'diet' or some quick fix fat-be-gone routine, it will stay off :)

So excited!!

Feeling trim...belly even starting to small up 'imself!

And cravings have died down. And I'm not constantly hungry. I eat when I'm suppose to :)

AH! This is amazing really. Thanking God for allowing me to reap the benefits already of regaining my health as it is indeed my greatest wealth!

Now just have to keep on praying and going as only 2 weeks in...let me not get too confident least i fall into a plate of chicken lol


Tuesday 25 September 2012

My journey towards the BV (becoming vegetarian)

With less than a week before my boo and I change lifestyles for one of the meatless/diaryless kind, I can't help but think that I was being groomed for this very moment.

Recently I've become more health conscious because I really wanted to lose some weight so I started sticking to some really basic health principles and you know what? it is paying off....though I did not see results within a couple of weeks, I am beginning to see the difference and so is everyone else around me. I'm getting more comments about my appearance being smaller from colleagues etc. so something must be happening.

Along with those health principles, boo helped me come off chocolate (because it contains caffeine) and so really as I didnt eat that much meat anyway, the next logical step was to vegefy myself anyway.

When you learn about the dangers of meat and dairy and the connection to all manner of diseases people now associate with 'life' a decision had to be made and we are indeed looking forward to the health benefits from adopting these practices.

Then the other day Boo and I were just discussing our excitement about what we will be starting soon and the realisation of the connection between my spiritual life and my physical came to light. It was like ....'so if it is with my mind I communicate with God, and my mind and body are connected, what I put in will either enhance of diminish my mental capacity therefore affecting my spiritual life. Though I may not be mentally impaired, I may not be running at my best because I'm devouring junk. So I concluded, attack of the body = attack of the mind = attack of my soul!!

So there we have it, I was being groomed for this next step as my love for certain things died down, my desire to grow spritually increased and well just wanting to do right by God. It really helps when you have a boyfriend with the same mindset because I'm encouraged by him all the time.

Really excited and will definitely be blogging my experiences the good and the bad. So quick snapshot of today:

Good: Feeling/looking smaller...running further away from 14st (13st 2lb now)
Bad: Did not eat enough calories while at work lead to some next level hunger than even water couldnt quench though I done had my lunch already....thanks to Ellen on that emergency rice pudding in her bag....learnt my lesson (im still a big gurl and still need fuelling lol)

But besides all that I'm feeling good. I'm feeling great. I'm getting closer to where I want to be and will do IN JESUS NAME


Tuesday 18 September 2012

I feel skinny, oh so skinny, I feel skinny and thinny...not light lol

Well I don't know what my body is doing but though I am eating pretty well i.e. sticking to the principles of no snacking no late eating etc. my body still seems to want to hold on to the weight. Now this could be one of two things; I could be a:

Putting on weight

or b

Gaining muscle

May be not like that lol....

Because if I'm honest when I look at myself in the mirror, I am starting to see a difference. I cant really tell in my clothes because well I havent really bought anything new to say oh my jeans are loose but my tumtum has definitely shedded some size....

So may be I need to focus on the inch loss and not so much the weight loss because I is a very heavy set girl dont it! I'm not called strong body gyal fi nutten!!

So I'm happy to be making progress.

So hopefully I'll be uber happy in the next couple months when I would be able to blog that I have met my goal :)

SO I guess this means that it is actually working...

A bit of Wii Zumba atleast 4 times a week and I've added a slendertone belt to the work out because me and my bad back cant really do sit ups

And I'm still trying to eat better e.g. adding more fruits to my diet....

mmmm grapes....!!

But kinda slacking on the water front....naughty NaiNai...

Sowwy :(

But anyway I am still going in the right direction towards le wifey body so....


Monday 10 September 2012

Ah meeeee datt!!??!!

It's been a while since I popped on here. While last time I had bad news to report on my return, today I am not the bearer of bad news :)

Though I did not meet my goal of bein 13st before September, I can say the weight I did put on because I was out of action with my mash up back, I have lost and kept off so I am please to announce that I Madamski Nainai have reached a weight I have not been in a very long time. I am now 84.5kgs aka 13st 4lbs


Ok to you slimline lightweight folk this probably means nothing and you probably still think I weigh as much as a small rhino

Never me!!
HOWEVER!! To me and my previous obese self...this is progress. And I'm starting to feel skinny and I love it. The awesomeness about it is that I'm still keep all my lady bits and I'm sure I will....Could you imagine me with the figure of a small boy???....Never me!!!

So I'm happy and wanted to share my joy with the world and hopefully someone will be encouraged to keep on working at it and setting small realistic does work!!Prayer helps too and of course having an awesome supportive boyfriend. No fad diets here just determination to never feel fat ever again :)

so happy with my new found almost skinnyness??? AH meeeee dat!!!

Wednesday 22 August 2012

You know its bad news when

...i havent been on here :(

I have good news bad news and worse news

Good news I havent given up woo

Bad news I've slacked (more cos of medical reasons -- done my back in owwy)

Worse lack of exercise has meant i've put on numbers I don't want to blog due to sheer embarrassment!

I was doing so well........

Progress was taking shape :)

 It's sad because I kno my boo is working hard and getting results and well me and my bad back means I cant zumba, cant walk for long, cant do a lot of things and to top it all off this has thrown my abs routine out the window...but I plan on fixing that... will blog about that if I get positive results lol

So yeah little depressed about this...really didnt realise how important exercise was until cant do it and makes me wish when I could do it, I would have done it enough that this little break (now going on three weeks) probably wouldnt of lead to as much weight gain as I have I'm hoping its more because of the medications and 'time of the month' why me so FAT but who am I kidding....:(

Now the only thing I can is is pray more and eat less...I may become a flabby abby but hopefully a small flabby abby rather than a large fatty patty...and whats even worse is when u deh pun facebook and you see these once large lasses looking boomlish!!! and theres me been battling since the age of 16 and still cant get down to a size 12 yet....cheh!!

its my own fault...i say good fi dem but I really hope my back heal up quick so I can get back on the Zumba wagon and sweat and shake my way into a size 12...

but some how im suppose to do that and maintain my size nearly 16 butt...wishful thinking me thinks lol

Oh well...I shall while I 'rest' not put on weight but:

Drink plenty water
Stretch (i duno find some pilates online)
Eat smaller portions of good food
Stick to my 2-3 three meals a day
and drink more water

just a side note on the water tip....when you look into the benefits of water you think yeah yeah lets drink more and well it doesn't happen but since i had my body fat analyser I realise how dry I am so I've tried to up my drinking...manage to find a website that tells you from your weight and exercise routine how much water you should aim to drink and I found out I should be drinking 2.3-2.6l of water...its doable but you kno sometimes water just taste....nasty and flavourless and you just want to fling a piece a squash and ting but really trying flush out foolishness and not add extra foolishness if you get me...but i digress..basically past few days I've done alright at least drinking 2Ls a day.....YESTERDAY I didnt even drink one and you know what body suck the moisture our my eyes and tongue...woooooiiiiiieee! I woke up with some severe dry eye and mouth. me mout was DRY!!!! mercy!!

I learnt me lesson lol

SO NAI....drink more water! tenk you plz!!!!

Monday 6 August 2012

Fat, PHAT, Moose

Who remembers the game duck duck goose when you sit in a circle and one person goes around touching each person as they go by on the head say 'duck, duck then the person they land on who they want to be chased by you tap them and say 'goose' and run for your life lol....

what does this have to do with anything I've been blogging recently you may ask....well let me clear it up for you! I've been so inactive it feels like the last time I did any form of exercise was in primary school....

I know I know shock horror!!

Yeh its said... I fell of the wagon and dented the floor. I hang my head in shame for since Spain, Zumba has become foreign to me again. :(

Its sad cos I was doing so well and then I kinda stopped for too long and now I'm like too tired to workout in the mornings and too tired to work out after instead of duck duck goose...I feel like fat, fat moose!!


I will let you know despite my lack of exercise my eating habits haven't really changed. Praise God cos trust me the likkle 8lb me did lose would find 'imself back weh 'im did start and bring 'im fren to! However I am not saying I remained the same or lost during my period of inactivity...I put on don't get me wrong I'm disappointed but it really could of been worse...1lb


just 1lb in like 4-5 weeks is blooming marvellous lol

But y'all I need your prayers and encouragement because I still want to achieve my almost wifey body status by December...I can do it!
Minor set back....
so thanks to the encouragement of my sweet booboo who is exercising like a mad man I will divide the flab and conquer the love handles in Jesus name!!

Let's do this and change the fat (flab appears tremendously) to PHAT! (Perky Hot And Toned)

Team GB (Good Body) all the way!!!!

Thursday 19 July 2012

Progress me a mek!!

I is a very happy likkle gurl

Because why?

Well I have shifted a couple more pounds since my last blog. I am slowly but surely reaching my goals and running away from that hefty BMI of almost 30. So I am please to say that I am now 13st 5lbs...ok it still heavy, however it aint 14st so of course God haffi get bless for di progress yes!!

Nawh f'real!! I am very happy because I feel smaller, people are saying I'm looking smaller, I am starting to see it too and you know my clothes are normally quick to tell me I put on weight but this time my jeans testify to the weight loss.

My lying pair of jeans (thus called because the label say size 12 and I kno it definitely aint no 12) went up without their usual know what I'm talking about ladies... 

And when I zipped it up the button wasn't begging for mercy saying 'please release me'. Instead it closed with ease AND the waist band had wasn't tight forming those infamous muffin tops

The Jeans fit me good :)

Yes I n I is very happy about the results but I must not stop there. Instead seeing that it is possible for me to lose weight I must continue to reach that goal of that body that is fitter healthier gawjusser and that will make my future hubby eye pop out him head on our wedding night ;)

Yes! Tis my aim in Jesus name!!

Tuesday 10 July 2012

I'm bringing sexy back..


Ok as y'all know I was on holiday and well my whole routine that I managed to stick to for like the weeks before I went was sort of put on hold, this morning I gave myself 'THE TALK'. I stood in the mirror stripped down to me undies and said right Nai look at yourself! Normally I try to be like well I dont look too bad or I realise I'm holding my stomach in slightly so today I was brutally honest and let it all hang out and you know what I saw?

Naw not really more like:

Ok I exaggerate but basically I saw enough to say that I want to get back on my routine. After my talk I've set a 5 month goal to get fitter and healthier so that by Christmas I'll be a lot closer to my wifey body. Truth is, when my booboo get's to see me in on my glory on our wedding night I want him to have an MI - well a small one ('heart attack' for the non medical minded lol). That of course is not the only reason. My body is on loan from God, I have to look after it. Thou shall not kill includes thyself slowly through bad lifestyle choices e.g bad eating habits and inactivity. I don't smoke, drink or do drugs as the Word speaks against such things but I can still be going against what is required of me by eating foolyness and being a lazy these are the reasons change is gonna come....I digress lol

The good news...errm....yeh...

Oh that's it...! I know what I need to do to help me meet this goal and I feel like my eating is becoming more under control. I'm getting use to not eating between meals and drinking to close too meals and not snacking and also not eating chocolate amongst other blatantly not good for me things....dont get me wrong the cravings for chocolate are still there but nothing a little prayer cant cure. anywhoo...I have my exercise routine planned too...double Zumba plus walking home from work (weather permitting) but I realise my problem area is around my middle.
I never really had a tummy problem. Normally my thighs are my OMS (Oh my Systems!!!) shock horror type flex but recently I duno maybe as I edge closer to middle age lol my middle has well become a dumping ground for all that I shouldnt eat.

Now dont get me wrong...I am fortunate to have as my mum would say a 'boom figure' but all that goes very quickly when your lugging spares. I tend to go from this

to this

when I put on weight so to my exercise routine I've added some abdominal exercises (crunches and reverse crunches) twice a day I'll start with 60 in the morning and 60 in the evening and see how we go from there. Might throw a few squats in there too making sure my derrière nuh get long down! lol so that is all to kick off from tomorrow....

And yet I still nuh mention what I'm suppose to mention lol

Ok continuing....I bought a scale. As you know my BMI was sadly OBESE...I was 14st of OBESENESS I dun know I dont look it but hey ya cyant fool di numbers....HOWEVER....finally the good news bit

I have moved from OBESE to OVERWEIGHT....yay wooooo boooyaahhh!!! LOLZ
New BMI :)

Yes my scale has told me I am now 13st me lass 7lbs :) ok granted it wernt the same scale that I found out my weight on at the clinic nor was I wearing the same amount of clothes BUT what it does show me is that whatever I am trying is actually working.....

Now....I didnt just buy any old I went fancy and got a body analyser (was not intentional but you get what you pay for lol) so I can now keep an eye on my body fat and body water measurements...and according to this ting I am only 7% over normal body considering I was OBESE you woulda thought my body fat would be much I will therefore stick to what I have always been saying....I am heavy not necessary because of fat cos in all honesty I know I do not look nearly 200lbs so nerr :p

Well that is it! That is my good news!! I am happy! I am motivated! and now all I can say is 'let's does this ting!!' :)

And of course this can be achieved with the Lord's help so I'll consider it DID AREADY!!!

'...With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.'  (Mat 19:26)

Monday 9 July 2012

Guess who's back...fat again...

Well I'm back!

Back from a much needed break from dreary old England....Spain was good and much needed break but I'll talk about that in my holiday blog but this time I want to talk about food...

Yes food and the difficulties of trying to eat in Spain...
Mama said to me dont eat like a rabbit while you're there jus make sure when you come back you eat properly and get back on the exercise tip...truth is I had no choice but to follow what mum said cos eating out there was HARD.

So just a recap

Before I left I was obese

 While I was there I was obese but well on the beach

and now I'm back I'm well you guessed it...still obese just obese with a slight tan but obese nevertheless according to my BMI which Im still like:
Did that woman really just call me obese? Oh hell no...hold me back ...hold me back

I was hoping to lose a bit of weight while I was there...fat chance (pun intended lol) and the reason for this was lack of good food.

Oh my systems!!! it was so difficult to eat out there when trying to eat healthy and trying to not eat anything unclean (Leviticus 11) meaning no pork and seafood amongst other things and you know what? its like we entered into the land of the unclean! everything was pork shrimp squid muscles crab etc etc... so i tell you now...I've never eaten so much white bread products in my that you have an idea of what I ate I'll give you a run down

Breakfast they had croissants, doughnuts, pastries, bread rolls, bread slices, beans, and a variety of pork products (bacon, chops, sausages), cereals, some fruit and some interesting looking dessert things that I didnt dare touch lol

So what did I eat loads of bread products, I did eventually touch the cereal but nothing like good ol' brit cereals so by the end of breakfast I felt like

 but less cute.... :(

Now I guess this sort of put us off cos our first meal at the hotel was dinner cos thats the time we arrived so we got our plates to see what we could eat and well not much...i went straight for the salads and olives trying  be healthy and ended up eating something i thought was cheese which now im convinced was probably squid cos cheese aint fishy tasting...shock horror....

There was pasta so didnt starve and there was chips but really go all the way to Spain to eat chips...anyway we asked the cook what the meats was and was told what we could eat (only option chicken)

HOWEVER....I tell you that was not chicken....we did not finish it cos one it looked like a leg piece or thigh piece but the bone was removed but as you got to the middle the texture changed from looking like chicken to looking like something I swear down that could of been some either badly cooked chicken or some chicken wrapped reconstituted pork meat lol....yeh we didnt eat much that

For the rest of the holiday we had breakfast at the hotel and found places to eat out whilst doing the whole tourist thing. And one thing I rate the spanish for is their portions...they clearly dont want you left hungry. Whatever we had for lunch we didnt have to eat again and the food was good tasting and reasonably priced.

mammoth pizza that was so big it hung over the plate
Awesome chicken lunch...buff plate of food

So all in all we survived but I got some undoing to do now I'm back...did a lot of walking but I'm sure by next week I'll be feeling my carb over load all over my obese figure lol

Oh well next goal is to be slim for Christmas lol

Wednesday 27 June 2012

Something's gotta give (hopefully not my shirt button)

In light of my awesome revelation of me being obese according to the BMI, something had to give. The question is what? I am willing to give up my lacklustre mindset towards food and exercise so that I can gain my dream figure?

Truth be told, even though I know I dont look like this:

I often feel like this:

Though when I look in the mirror I try to convince myself that I'm seeing this:

Truth is, why can't I feel and look better? I can. Just a never ending battle of laziness, in consistency, lack of motivation, and that feeling like that goal is just out of reach makes it difficult. I'm sure many can relate. I've been dealing with my weight since I was 16 years. Thats 10 years.....10!!! So I think somewhere along the line I've convinced myself that I'm not that big and others have said I'm not fat or that there's nothing wrong with me, but I can always count on my mum to burst dem deh bubble.....she a realist and until she stop tell me how 'ya leg big eee!!' I guess I have to battle on. So this week I have been trying. I have been little by little living up to the light I already have on health related matters. For example:
not snacking/eating between meals
not drinking with food
increasing water and vegetables intake
not skipping breakfast
trying not to eat to late or too close to bed time name but a few. I have also given up on certain things such as chocolate (thanks to boo for getting me to break that one) and since then it has really aided with the whole no snacking thing. The plan is to getting good food related habits so I will lose weight and become healthier too, and hopefully if its habitual, I wont revert back to eating foolyness and putting any weight I manage to lose. I think I'm managing alright. I have a substantial breakfast, drink water (though this can be improved) and if I'm really hungry and it isn't meal time yet I'll have a fresh fruit smoothie or a piece of fruit. So eating wise I'm getting there. Mondays dinner was Caesar salad with olives stuff peppers and chicken strips (YUMMY),

Tuesday cos I stayed late I ended up eating a tuna n cheese panini from work canteen, and today's dinner is a veggie stir fry...which is very YUMMY!!

 Hopefully my body will start responding to better food soon :)

Now on to exercise.....I (Monday and Tuesday) was able to wake early and do 30mins of exercise (Zumba). Then I was suppose to walk home after work and then have another Zumba session....however I have not managed this because well work is tiring in itself...Working 9-630 in a busy mentally taxing environment is draining and especially is you volunteer to cover someones shift last minute so you end up doing 12hrs instead of 9 or 10...but I will try...

My health and wifey body depends on it!!!

Monday 25 June 2012

BMI...(Big Mistake Init)

So hear the joke,

I went to get a check up last week as we do and well I sort of wish I hadnt biggest never in my life have I ever wanted to turn around and use the 'F' word (FAT) but when I saw the lil needle of the scale whiz straight past where I would like to be and end up where I've never been before that is the one word I could think of....what a ting!!

Now after the lady calculated my BMI from my height I had to my head of course cos far down...I wernt expecting that. She said my BMI was.... (chicken drumstick roll please) 29!!!

You know what that makes me...OBESE!! Check the chart :(

Come on now that aint even right cos when I think of obese I think of :

And I know I wear glasses but I do not look anything like that. So I have come to the conclusion that BMI aint made for black people lol. I am naturally a solid build chick I'm a size 14 and 5'7 which honestly aint that bad but I admit I am bottom heavy but a so we mek dont it!! But this BMI foolyness doesnt take into account muscle which is heavier than fat and I'm not saying I dont have fat on me but I wouldnt go as far to say I am I'm upset of course but the good thing thats come out of it is that I have decided to challenge the way I eat and exercise and see whether or not I can make some improvements so I will spend the next few blogs just documenting my progress up down or side ways and hopefully seeing what I get up to will either rebuke or encourage.

But I am aware that I am not known for consistency in regards to these things. Me and diets were never friends. I literally would DieTrying when ever I tried to lose weight but this time will be different because I am not dieting I am reforming :) And taking this one to the Lord in prayer cos bwoi I need extra help fi tackle dat deh numbers dont it!

This shall be fun....

Wednesday 20 June 2012

Is whata way me bless so!!

You know, 

I am blessed. Yes there's things that could be better but if you focus on the things you dont have you will never appreciate the things you do have and I am blessed is the conclusion I've come too. 

Had an awesome few days visiting the mama. Had dinner with my aunty, catched up with my bros, and had one of those talks that you can only have with you bestie...even though we live in different areas of (no longer living down the road from each other) and dont attend the same church any more, when we get together its almost like we were never separated in the first place... haven't laughed like that in a long time...beautiful!!!

So now this morning as I said good by to mum as she went to wake I am preparing myself for the day ahead...yes I'm lookin forward to seeing my beautiful boyfriend...its been a while. (9 days is a long time) And so my heart is all nervous like and that work I dont understand but yeah...I'm excited like a lil school girl whose about to talk to her crush....ahhh true love - and i mean true love not the movie kind. I mean the good stuff, founded on good principles and sustained by a mutual love for Christ and wanting to do His makes the relationship better....I've done the relationships without God and trust me, with God is a million zillion kabillion times better....anywho thats enough for me...oooo might make a post about the weird dream I had cos my subconscious is on some next level of  different lol

Love it :)

Tuesday 19 June 2012

Cure for Procrastination

Finally a cure for the one thing that has taken up all my productive hours and chewed them up to a useless pulp...from fb to twitter to blogging...I have seen many a good hour thrown to the social networking lions; and how they tear those hours to pieces.

Its sad actually. Only time I seem to be productive is when I am at work cos well I have to be, but me attempting to utilise my free time to study or do an assignment for word! its a struggle and a half.

So from looking through my days and reminiscing on the many many wasted hours I've come to the conclusion that the only time I do not procrastinate is when I am asleep....yup only time!

So now I have to find away to combine sleep with productivity and then I'll be free from the chains of procrastination forever...who am I kidding?!!

I guess there is no cure...oh well!!

Still attempting (since yesterday) to start my assignment lol...

Time to PUSH (pray until something happens)

Complete and utter waste of calories

So some how again I end up not eating breakfast unless you count a couple digestives that just happened to make its way into my mouth. So anyway, after a long shopping trip at ASDA (walked there btw - trying get my exercise in) me like a plonker decided to find myself in McD's, now I know I shouldnt go there so I try to not eat the burgers and if I can refrain avoid the fries as well but there wraps and delis r really nice...BUT today....what a complete and utter waste of calories...
I dont like food that frustrates me and even when I get over the frustration it better taste nice...but it really didnt! Beside falling apart after every bite or even before I bit it, it just didnt taste all that at all...either my taste buds have upgraded or it was just a nasty sandwich but sure enough I defo wasnt 'lovin' it!'

So now I face the consequences of the calories that I've ingested that wasn't even worth it cos it the journey before it lands on my hips was far from pleasurable...this got me thinking

This is sorta like sin in the point of deciding to go through with it you think it's worth it, but by the end of it you may feel guilt, disgust, low depressed, whatever and all you have is the memory of that decision you made thinking you'd enjoy it but really it wasn't worth the calories...Lord, I dont want to live like that but I guess it's the same mind frame that carries you to eat something you know you won't benefit you that also carries you to do something you know you wont benefit from...

Guess there's a lot of mind renewing that needs to happen over here and well to be honest I welcome the upgrade...who wouldn't?

Monday 18 June 2012


I find it funny that amongst adventist circles that as soon as you're in a relationship when's the wedding is always the next question and not really how is the spiritual life, how r you overcoming temptations etc.... I'm guilty of saying the same thing but from experience I've learnt first hand the danger of speaking marriage into someone's head prematurely....

Being in a relationship when everyone speak to you marriage and then breaking up before there's even a ring....those people that ask 'when's the wedding' they don't really ask (unless their uber close to you) what happened? But they wait for another guy to come along and then ask again when's the wedding....

Where does this come from? Why are we so marriage happy?

I've learnt that well it's exciting init! But there's so much that needs to be laid down as a firm foundation between the two in the actually relationship before getting in to this 'marry-up already' spirit....

As a woman who does desire to marry, hearing these things can be dangerous and even invoke a spirit of impatience which can really put a strain on the relationship, especially when you realise your broody moment are happening more and more's something that needs to be taken to God in prayer or it can really damage a beautiful relationship...

I can honestly say my relationship right now is beautiful and I do not want to spoil with marriage talk so I pray for patience and that when and if God's say its cool I'm going to enjoy being a Mrs, until then, gotta keep a level head on this ain't easy! But I must enjoy and embrace each stage of the relationship and I honestly do :)

Trying a ting


I never saw myself as a blogger even though I have a lot to say. Mum always said I could chat for England but I guess there's no harm in jumping on this blog wagon and see how I goes.

It's 15:11 in the afternoon and my day feels done though to be honest what can I say I've done with the day. I've finally removed the work I'm suppose to do from my suitcase but it still hasn't migrated to priority as yet...sad times

And yet here's me blogging....what kinda foolishness?! I guess all in all I will always find something else to do but what I'm suppose to do...this is not the way it should be but hey, I'm on annual leave, my brain is entitled to rest right and not have to think on the things I do day in day out??.....but if I'm honest I've probably spent to much time gorging on the bread of idleness today so perhaps I should give the ol' FB the boot and actually do something more constructive....and yet I'm still here....Lord help me to not be here still within the next hour....