Monday 10 September 2012

Ah meeeee datt!!??!!

It's been a while since I popped on here. While last time I had bad news to report on my return, today I am not the bearer of bad news :)

Though I did not meet my goal of bein 13st before September, I can say the weight I did put on because I was out of action with my mash up back, I have lost and kept off so I am please to announce that I Madamski Nainai have reached a weight I have not been in a very long time. I am now 84.5kgs aka 13st 4lbs


Ok to you slimline lightweight folk this probably means nothing and you probably still think I weigh as much as a small rhino

Never me!!
HOWEVER!! To me and my previous obese self...this is progress. And I'm starting to feel skinny and I love it. The awesomeness about it is that I'm still keep all my lady bits and I'm sure I will....Could you imagine me with the figure of a small boy???....Never me!!!

So I'm happy and wanted to share my joy with the world and hopefully someone will be encouraged to keep on working at it and setting small realistic does work!!Prayer helps too and of course having an awesome supportive boyfriend. No fad diets here just determination to never feel fat ever again :)

so happy with my new found almost skinnyness??? AH meeeee dat!!!

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