Wednesday 22 August 2012

You know its bad news when

...i havent been on here :(

I have good news bad news and worse news

Good news I havent given up woo

Bad news I've slacked (more cos of medical reasons -- done my back in owwy)

Worse lack of exercise has meant i've put on numbers I don't want to blog due to sheer embarrassment!

I was doing so well........

Progress was taking shape :)

 It's sad because I kno my boo is working hard and getting results and well me and my bad back means I cant zumba, cant walk for long, cant do a lot of things and to top it all off this has thrown my abs routine out the window...but I plan on fixing that... will blog about that if I get positive results lol

So yeah little depressed about this...really didnt realise how important exercise was until cant do it and makes me wish when I could do it, I would have done it enough that this little break (now going on three weeks) probably wouldnt of lead to as much weight gain as I have I'm hoping its more because of the medications and 'time of the month' why me so FAT but who am I kidding....:(

Now the only thing I can is is pray more and eat less...I may become a flabby abby but hopefully a small flabby abby rather than a large fatty patty...and whats even worse is when u deh pun facebook and you see these once large lasses looking boomlish!!! and theres me been battling since the age of 16 and still cant get down to a size 12 yet....cheh!!

its my own fault...i say good fi dem but I really hope my back heal up quick so I can get back on the Zumba wagon and sweat and shake my way into a size 12...

but some how im suppose to do that and maintain my size nearly 16 butt...wishful thinking me thinks lol

Oh well...I shall while I 'rest' not put on weight but:

Drink plenty water
Stretch (i duno find some pilates online)
Eat smaller portions of good food
Stick to my 2-3 three meals a day
and drink more water

just a side note on the water tip....when you look into the benefits of water you think yeah yeah lets drink more and well it doesn't happen but since i had my body fat analyser I realise how dry I am so I've tried to up my drinking...manage to find a website that tells you from your weight and exercise routine how much water you should aim to drink and I found out I should be drinking 2.3-2.6l of water...its doable but you kno sometimes water just taste....nasty and flavourless and you just want to fling a piece a squash and ting but really trying flush out foolishness and not add extra foolishness if you get me...but i digress..basically past few days I've done alright at least drinking 2Ls a day.....YESTERDAY I didnt even drink one and you know what body suck the moisture our my eyes and tongue...woooooiiiiiieee! I woke up with some severe dry eye and mouth. me mout was DRY!!!! mercy!!

I learnt me lesson lol

SO NAI....drink more water! tenk you plz!!!!

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