Monday 6 August 2012

Fat, PHAT, Moose

Who remembers the game duck duck goose when you sit in a circle and one person goes around touching each person as they go by on the head say 'duck, duck then the person they land on who they want to be chased by you tap them and say 'goose' and run for your life lol....

what does this have to do with anything I've been blogging recently you may ask....well let me clear it up for you! I've been so inactive it feels like the last time I did any form of exercise was in primary school....

I know I know shock horror!!

Yeh its said... I fell of the wagon and dented the floor. I hang my head in shame for since Spain, Zumba has become foreign to me again. :(

Its sad cos I was doing so well and then I kinda stopped for too long and now I'm like too tired to workout in the mornings and too tired to work out after instead of duck duck goose...I feel like fat, fat moose!!


I will let you know despite my lack of exercise my eating habits haven't really changed. Praise God cos trust me the likkle 8lb me did lose would find 'imself back weh 'im did start and bring 'im fren to! However I am not saying I remained the same or lost during my period of inactivity...I put on don't get me wrong I'm disappointed but it really could of been worse...1lb


just 1lb in like 4-5 weeks is blooming marvellous lol

But y'all I need your prayers and encouragement because I still want to achieve my almost wifey body status by December...I can do it!
Minor set back....
so thanks to the encouragement of my sweet booboo who is exercising like a mad man I will divide the flab and conquer the love handles in Jesus name!!

Let's do this and change the fat (flab appears tremendously) to PHAT! (Perky Hot And Toned)

Team GB (Good Body) all the way!!!!

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