Tuesday 19 June 2012

Cure for Procrastination

Finally a cure for the one thing that has taken up all my productive hours and chewed them up to a useless pulp...from fb to twitter to blogging...I have seen many a good hour thrown to the social networking lions; and how they tear those hours to pieces.

Its sad actually. Only time I seem to be productive is when I am at work cos well I have to be, but me attempting to utilise my free time to study or do an assignment for work...my word! its a struggle and a half.

So from looking through my days and reminiscing on the many many wasted hours I've come to the conclusion that the only time I do not procrastinate is when I am asleep....yup only time!

So now I have to find away to combine sleep with productivity and then I'll be free from the chains of procrastination forever...who am I kidding?!!

I guess there is no cure...oh well!!

Still attempting (since yesterday) to start my assignment lol...

Time to PUSH (pray until something happens)

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