Monday 25 June 2012

BMI...(Big Mistake Init)

So hear the joke,

I went to get a check up last week as we do and well I sort of wish I hadnt biggest never in my life have I ever wanted to turn around and use the 'F' word (FAT) but when I saw the lil needle of the scale whiz straight past where I would like to be and end up where I've never been before that is the one word I could think of....what a ting!!

Now after the lady calculated my BMI from my height I had to my head of course cos far down...I wernt expecting that. She said my BMI was.... (chicken drumstick roll please) 29!!!

You know what that makes me...OBESE!! Check the chart :(

Come on now that aint even right cos when I think of obese I think of :

And I know I wear glasses but I do not look anything like that. So I have come to the conclusion that BMI aint made for black people lol. I am naturally a solid build chick I'm a size 14 and 5'7 which honestly aint that bad but I admit I am bottom heavy but a so we mek dont it!! But this BMI foolyness doesnt take into account muscle which is heavier than fat and I'm not saying I dont have fat on me but I wouldnt go as far to say I am I'm upset of course but the good thing thats come out of it is that I have decided to challenge the way I eat and exercise and see whether or not I can make some improvements so I will spend the next few blogs just documenting my progress up down or side ways and hopefully seeing what I get up to will either rebuke or encourage.

But I am aware that I am not known for consistency in regards to these things. Me and diets were never friends. I literally would DieTrying when ever I tried to lose weight but this time will be different because I am not dieting I am reforming :) And taking this one to the Lord in prayer cos bwoi I need extra help fi tackle dat deh numbers dont it!

This shall be fun....

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