Wednesday 27 June 2012

Something's gotta give (hopefully not my shirt button)

In light of my awesome revelation of me being obese according to the BMI, something had to give. The question is what? I am willing to give up my lacklustre mindset towards food and exercise so that I can gain my dream figure?

Truth be told, even though I know I dont look like this:

I often feel like this:

Though when I look in the mirror I try to convince myself that I'm seeing this:

Truth is, why can't I feel and look better? I can. Just a never ending battle of laziness, in consistency, lack of motivation, and that feeling like that goal is just out of reach makes it difficult. I'm sure many can relate. I've been dealing with my weight since I was 16 years. Thats 10 years.....10!!! So I think somewhere along the line I've convinced myself that I'm not that big and others have said I'm not fat or that there's nothing wrong with me, but I can always count on my mum to burst dem deh bubble.....she a realist and until she stop tell me how 'ya leg big eee!!' I guess I have to battle on. So this week I have been trying. I have been little by little living up to the light I already have on health related matters. For example:
not snacking/eating between meals
not drinking with food
increasing water and vegetables intake
not skipping breakfast
trying not to eat to late or too close to bed time name but a few. I have also given up on certain things such as chocolate (thanks to boo for getting me to break that one) and since then it has really aided with the whole no snacking thing. The plan is to getting good food related habits so I will lose weight and become healthier too, and hopefully if its habitual, I wont revert back to eating foolyness and putting any weight I manage to lose. I think I'm managing alright. I have a substantial breakfast, drink water (though this can be improved) and if I'm really hungry and it isn't meal time yet I'll have a fresh fruit smoothie or a piece of fruit. So eating wise I'm getting there. Mondays dinner was Caesar salad with olives stuff peppers and chicken strips (YUMMY),

Tuesday cos I stayed late I ended up eating a tuna n cheese panini from work canteen, and today's dinner is a veggie stir fry...which is very YUMMY!!

 Hopefully my body will start responding to better food soon :)

Now on to exercise.....I (Monday and Tuesday) was able to wake early and do 30mins of exercise (Zumba). Then I was suppose to walk home after work and then have another Zumba session....however I have not managed this because well work is tiring in itself...Working 9-630 in a busy mentally taxing environment is draining and especially is you volunteer to cover someones shift last minute so you end up doing 12hrs instead of 9 or 10...but I will try...

My health and wifey body depends on it!!!

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