Monday 9 July 2012

Guess who's back...fat again...

Well I'm back!

Back from a much needed break from dreary old England....Spain was good and much needed break but I'll talk about that in my holiday blog but this time I want to talk about food...

Yes food and the difficulties of trying to eat in Spain...
Mama said to me dont eat like a rabbit while you're there jus make sure when you come back you eat properly and get back on the exercise tip...truth is I had no choice but to follow what mum said cos eating out there was HARD.

So just a recap

Before I left I was obese

 While I was there I was obese but well on the beach

and now I'm back I'm well you guessed it...still obese just obese with a slight tan but obese nevertheless according to my BMI which Im still like:
Did that woman really just call me obese? Oh hell no...hold me back ...hold me back

I was hoping to lose a bit of weight while I was there...fat chance (pun intended lol) and the reason for this was lack of good food.

Oh my systems!!! it was so difficult to eat out there when trying to eat healthy and trying to not eat anything unclean (Leviticus 11) meaning no pork and seafood amongst other things and you know what? its like we entered into the land of the unclean! everything was pork shrimp squid muscles crab etc etc... so i tell you now...I've never eaten so much white bread products in my that you have an idea of what I ate I'll give you a run down

Breakfast they had croissants, doughnuts, pastries, bread rolls, bread slices, beans, and a variety of pork products (bacon, chops, sausages), cereals, some fruit and some interesting looking dessert things that I didnt dare touch lol

So what did I eat loads of bread products, I did eventually touch the cereal but nothing like good ol' brit cereals so by the end of breakfast I felt like

 but less cute.... :(

Now I guess this sort of put us off cos our first meal at the hotel was dinner cos thats the time we arrived so we got our plates to see what we could eat and well not much...i went straight for the salads and olives trying  be healthy and ended up eating something i thought was cheese which now im convinced was probably squid cos cheese aint fishy tasting...shock horror....

There was pasta so didnt starve and there was chips but really go all the way to Spain to eat chips...anyway we asked the cook what the meats was and was told what we could eat (only option chicken)

HOWEVER....I tell you that was not chicken....we did not finish it cos one it looked like a leg piece or thigh piece but the bone was removed but as you got to the middle the texture changed from looking like chicken to looking like something I swear down that could of been some either badly cooked chicken or some chicken wrapped reconstituted pork meat lol....yeh we didnt eat much that

For the rest of the holiday we had breakfast at the hotel and found places to eat out whilst doing the whole tourist thing. And one thing I rate the spanish for is their portions...they clearly dont want you left hungry. Whatever we had for lunch we didnt have to eat again and the food was good tasting and reasonably priced.

mammoth pizza that was so big it hung over the plate
Awesome chicken lunch...buff plate of food

So all in all we survived but I got some undoing to do now I'm back...did a lot of walking but I'm sure by next week I'll be feeling my carb over load all over my obese figure lol

Oh well next goal is to be slim for Christmas lol

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