Tuesday 10 July 2012

I'm bringing sexy back..


Ok as y'all know I was on holiday and well my whole routine that I managed to stick to for like the weeks before I went was sort of put on hold, this morning I gave myself 'THE TALK'. I stood in the mirror stripped down to me undies and said right Nai look at yourself! Normally I try to be like well I dont look too bad or I realise I'm holding my stomach in slightly so today I was brutally honest and let it all hang out and you know what I saw?

Naw not really more like:

Ok I exaggerate but basically I saw enough to say that I want to get back on my routine. After my talk I've set a 5 month goal to get fitter and healthier so that by Christmas I'll be a lot closer to my wifey body. Truth is, when my booboo get's to see me in on my glory on our wedding night I want him to have an MI - well a small one ('heart attack' for the non medical minded lol). That of course is not the only reason. My body is on loan from God, I have to look after it. Thou shall not kill includes thyself slowly through bad lifestyle choices e.g bad eating habits and inactivity. I don't smoke, drink or do drugs as the Word speaks against such things but I can still be going against what is required of me by eating foolyness and being a lazy bum...so these are the reasons change is gonna come....I digress lol

The good news...errm....yeh...

Oh that's it...! I know what I need to do to help me meet this goal and I feel like my eating is becoming more under control. I'm getting use to not eating between meals and drinking to close too meals and not snacking and also not eating chocolate amongst other blatantly not good for me things....dont get me wrong the cravings for chocolate are still there but nothing a little prayer cant cure. anywhoo...I have my exercise routine planned too...double Zumba plus walking home from work (weather permitting) but I realise my problem area is around my middle.
I never really had a tummy problem. Normally my thighs are my OMS (Oh my Systems!!!) shock horror type flex but recently I duno maybe as I edge closer to middle age lol my middle has well become a dumping ground for all that I shouldnt eat.

Now dont get me wrong...I am fortunate to have as my mum would say a 'boom figure' but all that goes very quickly when your lugging spares. I tend to go from this

to this

when I put on weight so to my exercise routine I've added some abdominal exercises (crunches and reverse crunches) twice a day I'll start with 60 in the morning and 60 in the evening and see how we go from there. Might throw a few squats in there too making sure my derrière nuh get long down! lol so that is all to kick off from tomorrow....

And yet I still nuh mention what I'm suppose to mention lol

Ok continuing....I bought a scale. As you know my BMI was sadly OBESE...I was 14st of OBESENESS I dun know I dont look it but hey ya cyant fool di numbers....HOWEVER....finally the good news bit

I have moved from OBESE to OVERWEIGHT....yay wooooo boooyaahhh!!! LOLZ
New BMI :)

Yes my scale has told me I am now 13st 7lbs...so me lass 7lbs :) ok granted it wernt the same scale that I found out my weight on at the clinic nor was I wearing the same amount of clothes BUT what it does show me is that whatever I am trying is actually working.....

Now....I didnt just buy any old scale...no I went fancy and got a body analyser (was not intentional but you get what you pay for lol) so I can now keep an eye on my body fat and body water measurements...and according to this ting I am only 7% over normal body fat....now considering I was OBESE you woulda thought my body fat would be much more...so I will therefore stick to what I have always been saying....I am heavy not necessary because of fat cos in all honesty I know I do not look nearly 200lbs so nerr :p

Well that is it! That is my good news!! I am happy! I am motivated! and now all I can say is 'let's does this ting!!' :)

And of course this can be achieved with the Lord's help so I'll consider it DID AREADY!!!

'...With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.'  (Mat 19:26)

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