Monday 18 June 2012


I find it funny that amongst adventist circles that as soon as you're in a relationship when's the wedding is always the next question and not really how is the spiritual life, how r you overcoming temptations etc.... I'm guilty of saying the same thing but from experience I've learnt first hand the danger of speaking marriage into someone's head prematurely....

Being in a relationship when everyone speak to you marriage and then breaking up before there's even a ring....those people that ask 'when's the wedding' they don't really ask (unless their uber close to you) what happened? But they wait for another guy to come along and then ask again when's the wedding....

Where does this come from? Why are we so marriage happy?

I've learnt that well it's exciting init! But there's so much that needs to be laid down as a firm foundation between the two in the actually relationship before getting in to this 'marry-up already' spirit....

As a woman who does desire to marry, hearing these things can be dangerous and even invoke a spirit of impatience which can really put a strain on the relationship, especially when you realise your broody moment are happening more and more's something that needs to be taken to God in prayer or it can really damage a beautiful relationship...

I can honestly say my relationship right now is beautiful and I do not want to spoil with marriage talk so I pray for patience and that when and if God's say its cool I'm going to enjoy being a Mrs, until then, gotta keep a level head on this ain't easy! But I must enjoy and embrace each stage of the relationship and I honestly do :)

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