Monday 18 June 2012

Trying a ting


I never saw myself as a blogger even though I have a lot to say. Mum always said I could chat for England but I guess there's no harm in jumping on this blog wagon and see how I goes.

It's 15:11 in the afternoon and my day feels done though to be honest what can I say I've done with the day. I've finally removed the work I'm suppose to do from my suitcase but it still hasn't migrated to priority as yet...sad times

And yet here's me blogging....what kinda foolishness?! I guess all in all I will always find something else to do but what I'm suppose to do...this is not the way it should be but hey, I'm on annual leave, my brain is entitled to rest right and not have to think on the things I do day in day out??.....but if I'm honest I've probably spent to much time gorging on the bread of idleness today so perhaps I should give the ol' FB the boot and actually do something more constructive....and yet I'm still here....Lord help me to not be here still within the next hour....

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