Tuesday 19 June 2012

Complete and utter waste of calories

So some how again I end up not eating breakfast unless you count a couple digestives that just happened to make its way into my mouth. So anyway, after a long shopping trip at ASDA (walked there btw - trying get my exercise in) me like a plonker decided to find myself in McD's, now I know I shouldnt go there so I try to not eat the burgers and if I can refrain avoid the fries as well but there wraps and delis r really nice...BUT today....what a complete and utter waste of calories...
I dont like food that frustrates me and even when I get over the frustration it better taste nice...but it really didnt! Beside falling apart after every bite or even before I bit it, it just didnt taste all that at all...either my taste buds have upgraded or it was just a nasty sandwich but sure enough I defo wasnt 'lovin' it!'

So now I face the consequences of the calories that I've ingested that wasn't even worth it cos it the journey before it lands on my hips was far from pleasurable...this got me thinking

This is sorta like sin in it...at the point of deciding to go through with it you think it's worth it, but by the end of it you may feel guilt, disgust, low depressed, whatever and all you have is the memory of that decision you made thinking you'd enjoy it but really it wasn't worth the calories...Lord, I dont want to live like that but I guess it's the same mind frame that carries you to eat something you know you won't benefit you that also carries you to do something you know you wont benefit from...

Guess there's a lot of mind renewing that needs to happen over here and well to be honest I welcome the upgrade...who wouldn't?

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