Wednesday 20 June 2012

Is whata way me bless so!!

You know, 

I am blessed. Yes there's things that could be better but if you focus on the things you dont have you will never appreciate the things you do have and I am blessed is the conclusion I've come too. 

Had an awesome few days visiting the mama. Had dinner with my aunty, catched up with my bros, and had one of those talks that you can only have with you bestie...even though we live in different areas of (no longer living down the road from each other) and dont attend the same church any more, when we get together its almost like we were never separated in the first place... haven't laughed like that in a long time...beautiful!!!

So now this morning as I said good by to mum as she went to wake I am preparing myself for the day ahead...yes I'm lookin forward to seeing my beautiful boyfriend...its been a while. (9 days is a long time) And so my heart is all nervous like and that work I dont understand but yeah...I'm excited like a lil school girl whose about to talk to her crush....ahhh true love - and i mean true love not the movie kind. I mean the good stuff, founded on good principles and sustained by a mutual love for Christ and wanting to do His makes the relationship better....I've done the relationships without God and trust me, with God is a million zillion kabillion times better....anywho thats enough for me...oooo might make a post about the weird dream I had cos my subconscious is on some next level of  different lol

Love it :)

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