Friday 7 December 2012

The jeans, the skinny and I

So this week I was pleased to finally...FINALLY say goodbye to size 16.


Been wearing that size for such a long time and I just accepted it really lol but now they are TOO BIG!!

I said my ideal size for me especially to remain nice healthy and curvy would be a 12 top and a 14 bottom and I have reached it so now I have decided that I will just tone up to keep the flab in check and remain this size :)

So I might not be model sized but I think for a woman you shouldn't be the same size as a primary school kid purposely. If ur naturally slim and petite then fine but I don't understand the desire to aim for skin on bone.

I personally believe my husband will appreciate a lil summin summin to cuddle up to on cold winters nights like these but hey each to their own, I'm

Me look good!! (In clothes- thank God fi clothes lol)

I'm working on looking good naked...y'all just won't know about it lol hahaha

Anywho, that's it for now. Here's to health New found confidence and size 14 skinny jeans 😁

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