Thursday 8 May 2014

4 weeks to kill the fat


I have four weeks left before I have to walk down the aisle.
Four weeks left to enjoy the culmination of all the hard work and effort friends and family have put into the wedding
Four weeks to look gooder naked!!


Now, I can honestly say my usual inconsistency did get the better of me. After completing Insanity, I grew complacent and down right lazy and trust me it showed. But in the months of February and March, I had time to relax a little bit. Doing truck loads of assignments really didn't help but now that a majority of it is over, I have no excuse - and no time to slip up and faff around! 

The first place my laziness showed was my belly. Boy did it start to roll out. And the my thighs felt like they were embracing each other like they are long lost relatives. I have to say I've come a long way so to undo it all now would be a darn shame. I promised myself I wouldn't be a fat bride and for the most part that is true but the real test comes when there is no clothes to hide behind. 

So you might be thinking, why am I so fussed? Why can't I just be happy with my current results and chill out? The reason is this. I am still not where I'd like to be but don't get me wrong, I am definitely not where I was before and quite proud of the achievement - hallelujah praise His name! But if I don't feel happy in my own skin then I won't feel sexy in my own skin, and I plan on feeling sexy and getting sexy too; I'll be a married woman!! Now bless my dear loving fiancé, I know he loves me now and before when I was bigger, and finds me attractive and such- he tells me often enough, but I still want to make his jaw drop and may be even pass out a little - who knows. So I'm doing it for me, for him and for health! 

Certain conditions are in the family as it is and well I'd like to be healthy and I've used getting married as a platform to really take my health seriously but I still plan to maintain after the wedding. I'm no good to anyone dead or dying because of my own personal neglect of health, so I shall indeed do all I can to do this right.

My promises to myself:
I will be healthier
I will be fitter
I will be sexier
and I will be better off because of it.

It is working so I have no reason to stop, and I do feel better for starting already! So first goal to be achieved in 4 weeks:

Look good naked!! 
and hopefully come June 9th won't be thinking.....

Peace and love peeps!!

Tuesday 8 April 2014

bride 2 be not wide 2 be

It's been a long time since I last blogged about my fitness journey especially in regards to getting my bride body together.
This has been my longest yet most successful fitness journey. I've been trying since my teen years to get to a size where I felt comfortable physically and mentally and like 10+ years later I finally had the impetus to be consistent hence why I said this is my longest and most successful.

Let's see what success looks like for me.

post insanity workout when I finished the 60 days programme  in February
posing the progress - Feb 2014

Wearing a jumper I had since college which couldn't fit me back then

March 2014 - wedding attire, hot like fiyah!

So you see, it has been working and it was definitely the deathly experience of the insanity workout programme where I saw the most results. 

Now the workout has been over for 2 months I have to maintain and refine.

Abs are insight I just have to eat right and (sigh) workout with Shaun T again cos it works for me.

My gym days, I have not forgotten and I will return to it after the wedding because I do like gym but for now its me and attempting to eat cleaner. Home made, smoothies and soups and plenty fruit and veg has seen me shift 3 lbs in just over a week.

I will succeed....God is more than able to continue to see me through this....because I ain't got much self control so I'm leaning on Jesus control!

Thursday 17 October 2013

The real deal...eish


I ain't gonna lie and say it's been all good in the hood cos, well I'd be lying. Truth is, I have let my guard down a little resulting in my nearly gone belly making a much unwanted reappearance (and brought his friends Mr and Mrs love handles).

This stuff is hard y'all...BUT, over a period of around 6 weeks it was only 4 pounds. Knowing I had ample time to get my 'wifey body' - two years - I think I was serious but not as serious. During my belly come back period, I did for the most part still stick to principles like not eating between meals and trying not to eat to late etc., but, I didn't exercise as much and my food choices and portions were destined to bring disaster to my waistline...and it did!!

However...driven by the panic of I'm getting married in under a year...get your act together like yesterday mode, I decided to dear I say it 'diet'....well sorta. Basically, I know what hunger feels like but because I was so liberal food wise during my slack period, it started to take a lot more food to satisfy me and I started desiring junk. My now waaaay smaller than me mother was losing weight quite well but she kept telling me she put on weight and doesn't feel right yet I'd look at her and think, 'what's the problem?' so my mum being my mum rejoined Weight Watchers and the results were amazing...she looks good y'all.

Que light bulb moment...join Weight Watchers meet your goal weight then continue by yourself when back in control.

Que reality broke chick moment...girl you don't wanna pay for that!!

So good ol' 'MyFitnessPal' app got re-installed on my phone and this is week two and  I have already lost the 4lbs I put on.. wooo.

I've set a goal to gym 4 times a week (and still manage to, study, write essays, plan wedding, arrange choir songs, keep fiance sweet and sleep) and I'm already noticing the difference. This is temporary mind you, just to kick start my body in to shedding my unwantedness. I plan to do this till the end of the year (using the app/counting calories weighing food etc.) and then hopefully I'll be at my goal size.


I will endeavor to blog my progress more often so y'all can hold me accountable and may be even be encouraged and encourage me too.

Until then

Peace out and God bless

Gonna go write about girly wedding stuff on my other blog :)

Sunday 28 July 2013

Wedding count down = get in shape


I haven't been blogging as regularly probably because I didn't have much to report but now since getting engaged my mission "wifey body" has taken on a whole new level of urgency.

I have been doing alright but cos I haven't been as strict on myself, I've sort of got complacent though I know I am not where I'd like to be or how I would like to be presented to my husband.

This does bother me....I really need to get this into gear and though I have been gymming and I haven't eaten that badly, I know my body has gotten use to my level of exercise and eating thus refusing to shed anything more weight.

So with new found gusto (that will hopefully last longer than a week) - my fridge has been stocked with fruits and veg ready for my clean eating plus gym challenge a.k.a do the darn thing properly woman....ain't no body got time for FAT!!

Sunday 7 April 2013

Going steady

My last post was like two months ago and I am pleased to say I have not blown up big like house putting on all the weight I have lost. Hallelujah!!! This was a fear but I can admit I didn't do anything really to kill this fear because I wasn't as disciplined as I have been to begin with. Starting my new job, I admit I struggled in the food area. I didn't eat meat but I didn't bring food from home so ended up buying lunch. At times even breakfast was eaten when I arrived at work which wasn't a good start so this change really through things out of whack. After being there nearly two months now I was expecting a massive shift in my weight. I just waited for it but praise be to God I've actually lost a couple pounds instead of putting on. Yes this is good but still progress is slow cos I let my guard down. I grew complacent itch my current attainment. I keep thinking well I got two years before "wifey body" needs to be completed so I'm not as determined as I was when I started. Gym is becoming more of an acquaintance than my best friend but I cannot and will not give up. I've been inspired by this influx of insanity followers to not do insanity (I like my life) but to actually rededicate my self back into my healthy routine because it has worked and will continue to wrk for me. Just need to refocus So new zeal...better results In Jesus name. Last measurements to date so y'all can keep an eye on me...need encouragement y'all!! Bust 41" (has increased :O 😲) Waist 31" (aiming for <28") Hips 44" (grew 2" because of squats...kmt) Weight 12st 8lbs (was 14st before...slow but going in the right direction) Body Fat 35% (was nearly 40%)

Monday 28 January 2013

It a work!!

Right it's been a very very long time since I have written a post.

The good thing is, things haven't gone down hill since my last post. If anything I am doing alright still!!

So carrying on from my last post, I have joint the gym and believe it or not I have been pretty much consistent since joining.

Now that is a first for me so I will take a moment to be excited about it :


Okay now that's over

I am really enjoying the gym. I am in week 6/7 of my I'm gonna kick fats but regime and I am definitely kicking fats but.

Though my weight hasn't changed much, I am without a shadow of a doubt, much smaller, much more toned and much less ill feeling since I've decided to hit the gym.

From finally following the simple health principles that the Seventh Day Adventist church has been encouraging for donkeys years, coupled with going to the gym 3-4 times a week and doing a combination of cardio and weights, I have managed to trim down my stomach and even begun to see the 'faint line of promise' (my wannabe abs), starting to tone up my arms and legs  AND regain my booty....SERIOUS TINGS cos due to the weight loss, my bottom it went from an ample 'C' curve to a backward 'J' and that just ain't right. But now since squats have become my friend, my booty has literally bounced back :)

It a work: June2012 - January 2013
couldnt even get my whole belly and arm in the photo that's how bad it was before 

So it's all going well. Through much prayer, self motivation, telling myself I do not want to be a fat bride, wanting boo's first glance at my body when married to make his jaw drop, being fitter, healthier and feeling brilliant...I shall In Jesus name continue what I have started and most of all maintain it!!

On this gym ting!!

Sunday 9 December 2012

Don't ask...just do!

So it's like 3am and I'm up. Been asleep since like 7 or so pm. Sometimes my own thinking wears me out.
But yeh, just a quickie because by the end of this day I will have begun the next phase in regaining my health.

I've thankfully lost weight gone down a dress size but now it's time to work on looking good naked lol

Been eyeing or 'mirin' as they like to call it, pages on Facebook about gym and stuff and I'm now inspired to get back on it.

I need to tone up so the plan is to still do my wii Zumba in the mornings pre work but to then spend like 1hr at the gym doing some resistance work 3 times a week after work (wooooiii me a go dead!)

I'm happy to have done things this way round cos now I know how to eat better, picked up some good fooding principles that are now more or less habit, I've seen results and so I am now motivated to go to the next level.

4 weeks from December 10th I should start to see something so of course I'll record my results via blog.

This is like the longest I've maintained anything 'diet' wise and you know what, it feels good. I started slow and from the attitude of adopting health principles, although I didn't see drastic changes straight away, eventually I did see results, though slower than most, I think for me it's better this way. It's more likely to stay off. I'm more likely to keep at it :)

So here's to chapter two!!

In God I trust!