Thursday 17 October 2013

The real deal...eish


I ain't gonna lie and say it's been all good in the hood cos, well I'd be lying. Truth is, I have let my guard down a little resulting in my nearly gone belly making a much unwanted reappearance (and brought his friends Mr and Mrs love handles).

This stuff is hard y'all...BUT, over a period of around 6 weeks it was only 4 pounds. Knowing I had ample time to get my 'wifey body' - two years - I think I was serious but not as serious. During my belly come back period, I did for the most part still stick to principles like not eating between meals and trying not to eat to late etc., but, I didn't exercise as much and my food choices and portions were destined to bring disaster to my waistline...and it did!!

However...driven by the panic of I'm getting married in under a year...get your act together like yesterday mode, I decided to dear I say it 'diet'....well sorta. Basically, I know what hunger feels like but because I was so liberal food wise during my slack period, it started to take a lot more food to satisfy me and I started desiring junk. My now waaaay smaller than me mother was losing weight quite well but she kept telling me she put on weight and doesn't feel right yet I'd look at her and think, 'what's the problem?' so my mum being my mum rejoined Weight Watchers and the results were amazing...she looks good y'all.

Que light bulb moment...join Weight Watchers meet your goal weight then continue by yourself when back in control.

Que reality broke chick moment...girl you don't wanna pay for that!!

So good ol' 'MyFitnessPal' app got re-installed on my phone and this is week two and  I have already lost the 4lbs I put on.. wooo.

I've set a goal to gym 4 times a week (and still manage to, study, write essays, plan wedding, arrange choir songs, keep fiance sweet and sleep) and I'm already noticing the difference. This is temporary mind you, just to kick start my body in to shedding my unwantedness. I plan to do this till the end of the year (using the app/counting calories weighing food etc.) and then hopefully I'll be at my goal size.


I will endeavor to blog my progress more often so y'all can hold me accountable and may be even be encouraged and encourage me too.

Until then

Peace out and God bless

Gonna go write about girly wedding stuff on my other blog :)

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