Tuesday 25 September 2012

My journey towards the BV (becoming vegetarian)

With less than a week before my boo and I change lifestyles for one of the meatless/diaryless kind, I can't help but think that I was being groomed for this very moment.

Recently I've become more health conscious because I really wanted to lose some weight so I started sticking to some really basic health principles and you know what? it is paying off....though I did not see results within a couple of weeks, I am beginning to see the difference and so is everyone else around me. I'm getting more comments about my appearance being smaller from colleagues etc. so something must be happening.

Along with those health principles, boo helped me come off chocolate (because it contains caffeine) and so really as I didnt eat that much meat anyway, the next logical step was to vegefy myself anyway.

When you learn about the dangers of meat and dairy and the connection to all manner of diseases people now associate with 'life' a decision had to be made and we are indeed looking forward to the health benefits from adopting these practices.

Then the other day Boo and I were just discussing our excitement about what we will be starting soon and the realisation of the connection between my spiritual life and my physical came to light. It was like ....'so if it is with my mind I communicate with God, and my mind and body are connected, what I put in will either enhance of diminish my mental capacity therefore affecting my spiritual life. Though I may not be mentally impaired, I may not be running at my best because I'm devouring junk. So I concluded, attack of the body = attack of the mind = attack of my soul!!

So there we have it, I was being groomed for this next step as my love for certain things died down, my desire to grow spritually increased and well just wanting to do right by God. It really helps when you have a boyfriend with the same mindset because I'm encouraged by him all the time.

Really excited and will definitely be blogging my experiences the good and the bad. So quick snapshot of today:

Good: Feeling/looking smaller...running further away from 14st (13st 2lb now)
Bad: Did not eat enough calories while at work lead to some next level hunger than even water couldnt quench though I done had my lunch already....thanks to Ellen on that emergency rice pudding in her bag....learnt my lesson (im still a big gurl and still need fuelling lol)

But besides all that I'm feeling good. I'm feeling great. I'm getting closer to where I want to be and will do IN JESUS NAME


Tuesday 18 September 2012

I feel skinny, oh so skinny, I feel skinny and thinny...not light lol

Well I don't know what my body is doing but though I am eating pretty well i.e. sticking to the principles of no snacking no late eating etc. my body still seems to want to hold on to the weight. Now this could be one of two things; I could be a:

Putting on weight

or b

Gaining muscle

May be not like that lol....

Because if I'm honest when I look at myself in the mirror, I am starting to see a difference. I cant really tell in my clothes because well I havent really bought anything new to say oh my jeans are loose but my tumtum has definitely shedded some size....

So may be I need to focus on the inch loss and not so much the weight loss because I is a very heavy set girl dont it! I'm not called strong body gyal fi nutten!!

So I'm happy to be making progress.

So hopefully I'll be uber happy in the next couple months when I would be able to blog that I have met my goal :)

SO I guess this means that it is actually working...

A bit of Wii Zumba atleast 4 times a week and I've added a slendertone belt to the work out because me and my bad back cant really do sit ups

And I'm still trying to eat better e.g. adding more fruits to my diet....

mmmm grapes....!!

But kinda slacking on the water front....naughty NaiNai...

Sowwy :(

But anyway I am still going in the right direction towards le wifey body so....


Monday 10 September 2012

Ah meeeee datt!!??!!

It's been a while since I popped on here. While last time I had bad news to report on my return, today I am not the bearer of bad news :)

Though I did not meet my goal of bein 13st before September, I can say the weight I did put on because I was out of action with my mash up back, I have lost and kept off so I am please to announce that I Madamski Nainai have reached a weight I have not been in a very long time. I am now 84.5kgs aka 13st 4lbs


Ok to you slimline lightweight folk this probably means nothing and you probably still think I weigh as much as a small rhino

Never me!!
HOWEVER!! To me and my previous obese self...this is progress. And I'm starting to feel skinny and I love it. The awesomeness about it is that I'm still keep all my lady bits and I'm sure I will....Could you imagine me with the figure of a small boy???....Never me!!!

So I'm happy and wanted to share my joy with the world and hopefully someone will be encouraged to keep on working at it and setting small realistic goals....it does work!!Prayer helps too and of course having an awesome supportive boyfriend. No fad diets here just determination to never feel fat ever again :)

so happy with my new found almost skinnyness??? AH meeeee dat!!!