Thursday 8 May 2014

4 weeks to kill the fat


I have four weeks left before I have to walk down the aisle.
Four weeks left to enjoy the culmination of all the hard work and effort friends and family have put into the wedding
Four weeks to look gooder naked!!


Now, I can honestly say my usual inconsistency did get the better of me. After completing Insanity, I grew complacent and down right lazy and trust me it showed. But in the months of February and March, I had time to relax a little bit. Doing truck loads of assignments really didn't help but now that a majority of it is over, I have no excuse - and no time to slip up and faff around! 

The first place my laziness showed was my belly. Boy did it start to roll out. And the my thighs felt like they were embracing each other like they are long lost relatives. I have to say I've come a long way so to undo it all now would be a darn shame. I promised myself I wouldn't be a fat bride and for the most part that is true but the real test comes when there is no clothes to hide behind. 

So you might be thinking, why am I so fussed? Why can't I just be happy with my current results and chill out? The reason is this. I am still not where I'd like to be but don't get me wrong, I am definitely not where I was before and quite proud of the achievement - hallelujah praise His name! But if I don't feel happy in my own skin then I won't feel sexy in my own skin, and I plan on feeling sexy and getting sexy too; I'll be a married woman!! Now bless my dear loving fiancĂ©, I know he loves me now and before when I was bigger, and finds me attractive and such- he tells me often enough, but I still want to make his jaw drop and may be even pass out a little - who knows. So I'm doing it for me, for him and for health! 

Certain conditions are in the family as it is and well I'd like to be healthy and I've used getting married as a platform to really take my health seriously but I still plan to maintain after the wedding. I'm no good to anyone dead or dying because of my own personal neglect of health, so I shall indeed do all I can to do this right.

My promises to myself:
I will be healthier
I will be fitter
I will be sexier
and I will be better off because of it.

It is working so I have no reason to stop, and I do feel better for starting already! So first goal to be achieved in 4 weeks:

Look good naked!! 
and hopefully come June 9th won't be thinking.....

Peace and love peeps!!