Tuesday 8 April 2014

bride 2 be not wide 2 be

It's been a long time since I last blogged about my fitness journey especially in regards to getting my bride body together.
This has been my longest yet most successful fitness journey. I've been trying since my teen years to get to a size where I felt comfortable physically and mentally and like 10+ years later I finally had the impetus to be consistent hence why I said this is my longest and most successful.

Let's see what success looks like for me.

post insanity workout when I finished the 60 days programme  in February
posing the progress - Feb 2014

Wearing a jumper I had since college which couldn't fit me back then

March 2014 - wedding attire, hot like fiyah!

So you see, it has been working and it was definitely the deathly experience of the insanity workout programme where I saw the most results. 

Now the workout has been over for 2 months I have to maintain and refine.

Abs are insight I just have to eat right and (sigh) workout with Shaun T again cos it works for me.

My gym days, I have not forgotten and I will return to it after the wedding because I do like gym but for now its me and attempting to eat cleaner. Home made, smoothies and soups and plenty fruit and veg has seen me shift 3 lbs in just over a week.

I will succeed....God is more than able to continue to see me through this....because I ain't got much self control so I'm leaning on Jesus control!