Wednesday 21 November 2012


I was suppose to write a blog celebrating a new milestone in my weight loss....didn't happen!
But as I have now reached another one (woo) I have to share my joy!

Looking back at where I begun and where I am now, the process to some is probably slow, but I ain't in no rush! I'm working on my wifey body and I ain't getting married next week so a steady weight loss is good for me.

And I haven't starved my self or spent money on gym memberships or special dietary foods. All I've done is upped my exercise (from non existent to 2-4 times a week) and followed some basic health principles (as stated in previous blogs) and well my body has started to get rid of weight I don't need.

The going veggie thing was just another health principle...I did not start all this solely to lose weight, but I want and need to be healthy. If I really am to treat this body as the temple for the Holy spirit, I can't expect Him to live in clutter now can I.

And If I am to be sharing the gospel with others, I'm no good to anybody here's to health!

I just know that weight loss is a lovely bonus. And I feel good and I'm starting to see it too.

My tummy has gone down enhancing them natural curves. I feel more confident and comfortable in my clothes and a pair of jeans I bought in the summer (that I could not do up) has finally buttoned. All those weird health issues I use to have have lessened and I'm definitely not constantly tired any more. So as I said's to health!!

We doing all right still!!

Will one day post a pic of my before and after once I get a good one but for those who like graphs and stuff...this ones for you :)