Friday 12 October 2012

My vegetarian journey


Nearly two weeks in and I have no regrets!

Because my mind was moving in this direction anyway (needed to get my health in order especially after the woman call me obese) I'm really glad that I made this decision

The funny thing is, I now have a greater appreciation for fruit and veg so I guess I'm being a proper vegetarian and now over doing it with the meatless variety. For example,

My shopping trolley is more colourful with fruits and come on now....I bought leeks! I've never done anything with that other size spring onion before but I had some lentils and spinach and whipped up my first home-made soup. It was fun delicious and nutritious!!

But yeah really enjoying this change in attitude towards what i put in. So just to recap:

No meat (including fish as that's just Flesh that swims)
No cheese (cos that shouldn't be eaten anyway)
Came off using cows milk ages ago and now cutting down on the soya and trying out nut milks
No chocolate (was a tough decision)
No caffeine (well that was a given anyway being SDA and all)
No late night eating
No snacking (crisps biscuits etc. ) between meals
More fruits and veg
More water
Substantial breakfast - skipping this meal just means hell later
3 meals a day
Not eating to close to bed time

And even gone as far as not mixing fruits and veg in the same meal.

Now y'all probably thinking I ain't living at all but trust me I feel amazing and guess I started looking amazing too because I'm getting asked what's my secret.

So even with just 30mins exercise 3-4 times a week I am downsizing and I believe its because I have changed my eating habits.

I am not on a 'diet' I am just following simple health principles that makes a world of a difference. It's about change of mindset habits and lifestyle in order to keep it going because believe me I've tried sorting out my weight for years and thought seeing results was slow because well I started really getting serious about 3 months ago, I am definitely seeing results and I believe as this is not a 'diet' or some quick fix fat-be-gone routine, it will stay off :)

So excited!!

Feeling trim...belly even starting to small up 'imself!

And cravings have died down. And I'm not constantly hungry. I eat when I'm suppose to :)

AH! This is amazing really. Thanking God for allowing me to reap the benefits already of regaining my health as it is indeed my greatest wealth!

Now just have to keep on praying and going as only 2 weeks in...let me not get too confident least i fall into a plate of chicken lol
